Thursday, May 31, 2012

A dream that seemed unreachable

My life and future was in God's hands. He had given me a dream of marrying a godly man called to preach and raising a family together. But that dream seemed so far away.

There were no suitable preacher boy's anywhere to be found or so it seemed. I trusted God to meet my needs on a daily basis but it seemed like my faith was growing dim in this area. It had seemed like God had forgotten about me. Other ladies around me had found their "prince" and were preparing to live out their dreams. My dream seemed so real, I could play it out in my mind. But when I looked in the face of my dream man his face was blank.

I was 25 years old and that just seemed so ancient to be single. I spent my days taking care of precious little babies. But the problem was they were other people's babies. I enjoyed caring for them and I had plenty of love to share among the nursery. But I'd often wonder while rocking a sleeping baby or playing with one if my dream of being a momma would ever come true.

It can be discouraging waiting for something to happen that seems so far away. When you are low or discouraged the devil likes to try to keep you in that state. It's hard to serve God when you are so focused on what you don't have rather than what you do have.

In Hebrew 13:5 (KJV) it says,
"Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee."

I had seen God work miracles in my life and meet needs that seemed utterly hopeless. And I knew that if I fully placed this area of my life in his hands and just go on and serve him, he'd work it all out in his timing.

I determined that I was going to live for Christ even if I never married or became a momma. God knew better than I did, and his plan was what I wanted not my own.

I wasn't going to fall for any guy that called himself a Christian. The devil's imposter's wore suits and ties too. I had given my heart to God for safe keeping. And I asked him to protect it from anyone who wasn't his will. And I knew he'd do just that. I didn't wanna give my heart away to so many guys that when Mr. Right did come along I only had a piece left to give him. Let's just say all the waiting, praying, and guarding was not in vain.

If you are in a period of waiting, whether it be waiting for Mr. Right, or a baby, or whatever it may be, don't lose heart. God's answers are never late. He always shows up right on time.

I'll explain in the next post how God worked to bring one of the dreams to pass, at least at that time. At the present time, all of my dreams have come true.