Monday, March 12, 2012

Craziness of Mondays!

Over the weekend we are often busy and my house looks like a disaster area by the time Monday comes around. As I'm sure a lot of people's do. The goals I had set for the day seemed unreachable. The clothes were multiplying every time I walked past them, and the kids were fussy off and on. I wrote Robert and told him, there's no way I can get everything done. I'm glad I have an understanding husband. But I started to think about Philippians 4:13 as I added another load to the washer. 'I can do all things through Christ..' and I was sure that even doing the daily duties of house work applied to that verse. And for once my goal for the day didn't quite seem unreachable. As any mom knows, you can't just clean straight through, you have to constantly stop to care for the kids. So finally both kids took a nap at the same time and I was able to fold all the laundry, which would have been overwhelming on a normal day but not since I thought about Philippians 4:13. And I'm happy to end this story with the victory of having accomplished all of the housework and laundry. On a normal Monday I wouldn't be able to finish. So I'm thankful that we can apply Bible verses to our every day tasks and seemly it makes the load lighter. The Bible is a living word, and I'm thankful that it works in my heart and life on a daily basis.

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